We spoke to a group of parents who attended two sets of Early Years classes at one of our partner schools. Here’s what they had to say about the sessions:
Early Years classes have been running at West Hill Primary School for families with children in Nursery and Reception. After initially having a block of four sessions, these families were offered the chance to attend a second set of four sessions, so they had eight sessions in total. Several of the families commented on this, with the extended time helping them and their children really engage in the classes. The parents in the group came from a range of backgrounds and between them spoke English, Arabic, Somali, Urdu, and Dutch.
Parents responses about the sessions were really positive with many saying how wonderful the books were: “We couldn’t believe the quality of the books that we were given each week.”
Several parents noticed the confidence of their child grow over the sessions: “My son is so much more confident now than we when we started coming. He never spoke in the class but now he speaks and sings every week.”
The classes have had a positive impact on parents reading with their children at home, both in terms of frequency and confidence. One parent commented: “We read the books that you gave us every night still.” And another said: “Thank you Learn to Love to Read for giving me the confidence to sit and read with my daughter. It is precious time together.”
The parents all would recommend the sessions and commented: “Please come back every week, we don’t want this to end!”