This year, for the first time, we presented a some very special book prizes to five of our children. The Felix Bayly Prize is awarded to children who, nominated by their volunteers, have shown exceptional enthusiasm and determination to improve their reading over the year.  

Nominations came from across our partner schools. Here's what our volunteers wrote about them:

E-R, Year 3 
E-R was the first pupil I read with and she started out very unenthusiastic and lacking in so much confidence. On our first session, she wouldn’t look at me and didn’t want to engage in any way at all. I remembered something from my training session and picked up a little doll and suggested we could read to her instead. E-R agreed and we then took turns reading to the doll. 

Since that first session in January 2023, I cannot describe how much E-R has improved and how much of a transformation she has made. Last week as I returned her to her classroom and told the teacher how brilliantly she had read to me, the teacher agreed and told me how E-R had even been reading out loud to the class and how it’s so clear how much she has improved. Just yesterday that same teacher came to talk to me to say how happy she is for E-R now and that her improvement in reading has helped in other ways too - for example she no longer struggles reading questions in maths. 

I am so proud of E-R! She tells me that she also now reads to her baby brother too, which is just wonderful. I’d dearly love E-R to be considered for one of these lovely reading awards - I truly believe she deserves to receive one.

A, Year 1 
A has English as an additional language. He started the year with a book with no words, just pictures. He has progressed from sounding out individual letters and not being able to form the words to now forming whole words and sentences. He is really pleased he can sound some words in his head and then just say them out loud. He’s now on a level 3 book and last week when he was stuck, I asked if he needed help and he said, “No, I can do this!” And he did. He has shown great determination, he never gives up. It has been hard for him but he has made great progress. He also really enjoys the story at the end and a chat!

M, Year 1 
M has gone from not reading, to reading 'Room on the Broom' from cover to cover all by herself! She has shown enormous growth in confidence, ability and determination. She is a real joy to read with.

N, Year 2 
N has mastered English this year and tries so hard with her reading, repeating sentences if she gets any words wrong. I recommend her for her focus and always having her book, reading record and a real interest in reading.

E, Year 4 (supported virtually)
I first met E and her brother in December 2020 over zoom.  At that time they hardly knew any English and as it was lockdown they weren't at school so wouldn't have met any people to practise with. 

E found reading aloud difficult, but she seemed to understand the story well and was always happy and engaged and enjoyed the quizzes. This school year E has gradually improved but over the past few weeks we have been reading a higher level each week and are now on lime level, where I am having to explain quite a few new words to her.  At home she is reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid and has explained to me the storyline very well.

I am very proud of how E has persevered and gained such a competent level of reading and how she stays motivated and cheerful throughout the whole process.

A in Year 1 was chosen as the overall winner and received an extra special book, 'When You're Fast Asleep.' Well done to everyone! We hope you enjoy reading your new books.

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