Training can be hard work but our dedicated fundraisers keep up their regime even on holiday. We can see Vicky enjoying the amazing scenery of Corsica as she runs.
"I have signed up to do the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October to raise money for Learn to Love to Read.
They are a Wandsworth-based charity supporting children who are struggling with their reading or who are at risk of starting school poorly prepared for learning to read.
When my boys were little we used to help out at their Early Years' classes, designed to give parents the confidence and skills to introduce their children to the early literacy skills needed before starting school. I then volunteered, going into a local school to read weekly with children who perhaps didn’t have much support with their reading at home. I loved doing it and it was brilliant seeing how the children grew in confidence. Please consider sponsoring me so they can help more children to learn to love to read."
We are thrilled that Vicky is taking part in the Royals Parks Half Marathon on 9th October to raise funds for us. You can sponsor Vicky, as well as our other runners, through Just Giving here.